Skip The Espresso: Lemon Ginger Shots For Energy, Metabolism & Circulation

Why would you drink espresso when you can make these miracle ginger shots?! This is the only thing you really need to help kick-start your day! 

Ginger is a great way to wake up and energize, and can help improve your blood circulation and rev your metabolism by up to 5%! Ginger also helps bring about the feeling of satisfaction and satiation, and is also an anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and basically anti-everything. 

- 2 lemons, peeled
- 1 cup ginger root

Juice the above ingredients in a juicer, such as the Omega, and enjoy in the morning after consuming 1 litre of water, or after any strenuous workout or yoga session. You can make a cup or two of this mixture, and use a shot glass to measure out proportions.


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Meet The Author

Carly is a blogger, raw vegan, and nutrition enthusiast! She emphasizes healthy eating through a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. Carly has taken her life-long passion of helping others and combined it with her passion for eating whole, raw foods, as a means to teach people to become more aware of the foods they eat. She has inspired and motivated thousands of individuals to critically think about what they put in their movies and to move towards a mind-set that helps them increase their consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables. She enjoys reading, and learning about the body, food processing mechanisms and has a keen interest in detox and life regeneration. "Eat fruit, and be happy and energized. Eat greens and other mineral dense vegetables and feel calm and steady. A recipe for good health!"

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