Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Supreme Kidney Cleansing Juice

Cold, sweet, and refreshing - this watermelon kidney cleansing juice is just the thing you need to help quickly expel toxins from the body. Watermelon is 92% water by weight, so it helps flush the kidneys and can even remove small stones. The potassium content in watermelon can even dissolve kidney stones, and allow the stone residue to be passed effectively and pain-free! 

What else can watermelon do? It is one of the most alkalizing fruit, so it helps balance pH levels in the body, and is a wonderful anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-coagulant, digestive aid and laxative. It is a great source of vitamin C, beta-carotene, potassium (as mentioned above), and silicon (say hello to beautiful hair and nails!). In addition, watermelon contains lycopene, which has been proven to help prevent cancer.

- 1 organic watermelon (any size you please)
- 2 limes, juiced
- 1/4 cup fresh mint leaves (optional)

You have the option of either juicing the above ingredients, or blending them and then straining out the pulp. OR you can leave the pulp. The reason I suggest juicing is because if you use an organic watermelon you can juice the rind which balances the sweetness of the watermelon, and provides you with more vitamins and minerals - especially the special watermelon compound called citrulline. 

DO NOT JUICE THE RIND OF NON-ORGANIC ANYTHING. I highly suggest against it, as non-organic fruits are sprayed with pesticides and herbicides (and I wouldn't want any of you consuming these things). 

I also suggest looking for organic watermelons because they are often the ones which have seeds and watermelon seeds contain curcubocitrin which dilates capillaries and thus improves circulation throughout the body. When I get my hands on locally grown organic watermelon at farmers markets in summer, they are loaded with seeds, and I eat all of them! They are very healthy for you, and will not sprout a watermelon from your stomach (I promise!). 

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