Friday, 10 May 2013

Tropical Fruit Fusion

It's smoothie time again! This time focusing on tropical notes to celebrate the summer season which is fast approaching! I promised myself that I would try my best to post a recipe a day, mostly as a sort of recipe book for both myself and my followers. If you have ever visited this blog before, or, you will be quick to discover that fruit smoothies are one of my favourite ways to start the day, and perhaps even end the day!

Today's yummy tropical fruit fusion smoothie hosts a variety of tropical fruits that will help re-charge your immune system and leave you feeling fresh and re-energized. It is full of antioxidants, phytochemicals, vitamins, minerals, protein, and fiber which all work together to protect, rebuild and strengthen your body.

Research has shown that the antioxidants and enzymes in mango help prevent against breast, colon, leukemia and prostate cancers. It is also incredibly rich in vitamin A which helps protect our eyes and promotes good eyesight, prevents dry eye and night blindness. In addition, it helps with the health of our heart and can be used both internally and externally for the skin. Mangos clear clogged pores and eliminate pimples. 

Passion fruit is great for relaxing the mind and bringing about an overall sense of inner zen. It has a  soporific effect on the human nervous system, which leaves us feeling calm and able to relax our bodies. This is one reason why passion fruit is great for individuals with insomnia. Another benefit of passion fruit is that it can soothe asthma attacks by helping block the effect of histamine that cause asthma symptoms (via the high vitamin C content).

Young thai coconut water is natures natural electrolyte source. It is high in potassium which is necessary for proper hydration. Ginger too helps reduce inflammation and gets the digestive juices flowing (this means better digestion!).  

If you want an amazing blender, I highly suggest you purchase a vitamix! It makes the smoothest, most creamiest smoothies, raw soups and sauces I have ever experienced! If you purchase a vitamix through Live Love Fruit, you will get FREE shipping and handling! Click HERE to purchase.

2 mangoes, chopped into cubes
3 - 4 passion fruit (scoop out the fruit inside)
1 young thai coconut (both the water and coconut flesh inside)
1 tsp. Vanilla bean
1 inch ginger, shredded finely

Blend until creamy smooth and enjoy!


  1. Hi, it lloks deliciuos
    But I have a question: Is it good to eat the passion fruit seeds?


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