Monday, 13 May 2013

Miracle Cure Juice

This is the miracle cure juice! It helps with a variety of issues in the body and helps regenerate cells and infuses them with nutrients in a fast, efficient manner. There are many benefits from drinking this juice such as:

1. Helping prevent cancer cells from developing and restraining their ability to proliferate and grow
2. It works at targeting and healing the liver, kidneys, spleen and pancreas and can heal ulcers
3. Protects the respiratory system by strengthening the lungs, opening up the airways
4. Improves and opens blood pathways, and can thus reduce high blood pressure and help prevent heart attacks
5. Strengthens the immune system via antioxidants
6. Excellent for the eyes, eliminating red and tired or dry eyes
7. Replenishes tired and fatigued muscles from physical training and helps relieve pain
8. Helps eliminate constipation and/or diarrhea, and assists in making bowel movements more regular. Thus, it will help repair the skin and give you a healthy glow (great for eliminating acne).
9. It cleans from the inside out, so it clears bad body odour and improves bad breath
10. Reduces allergies, such as those who suffer from Hay Fever

Need a juicer? Want a juicer that extracts all the nutrients without heating to high temperatures and thus preserves phytonutrients and energy life force? I swear by the Omega 8005 juicer! If you order the Omega through Live Love Fruit, you will get FREE shipping! Click HERE to order.

Ingredients: (always choose organic whenever possible!)
2 large beets
4 long carrots
2 apples (of any kind)
6 stalks celery
2 limes
2 inches ginger

Juice and reap the amazing health benefits!


  1. Hey just I was searching for Miracle Cure Juice and got your blog here. It was really very interesting as well as knowledgeable for me for me. I would like to create it at my shop also. I just want to say thanks to you from my whole green juice cleanse team in New York.

  2. How often and how much of this should you drink?

    1. Drink it every day, or twice a day! The recipe is for 1 serving.

  3. Silly question...does the LIME get peeled OR the whole thing??? SORRY, new juicer :)

    1. If organic, you can juice the whole thing! If not organic, take off the peel :)

  4. Do you have any info on juicing vs blending (vitamix)??????

    1. Hi Becky!

      This might be useful:

  5. What's the calorie content

    1. I don't count calories, but I think around 150-200

  6. How often do you drink it

    1. Drink it every day, or twice a day! The recipe is for 1 serving.

    2. im glad they asked I was wondering the same how about the beets?? how do juice those..whole?? or cut up??

  7. Do you have any juices that can help loose weight?

  8. Do you know what will help the gallbladder?

  9. I need this. This weekend my food addiction reared its ugly head after an emotional day.

  10. I use a vita-mix to make smoothies instead of juice and then i use my food saver to seal in quart jars., takes out all the air and seals it. Will it be good for a couple of days. i need this to be healthy for my mom and dad with liver issues.

    1. That's a fabulous idea! :) This should stay for a couple days, the lemon helps prevent it from oxidizing.

  11. Can I just squeeze the 2 lemons or do they have to be processed as well? Can I use a blender instead of the juicer?

    1. Hey Jackie, you can just squeeze them. And if you just want to use a blender, you can do that, but it may be suuuuper thick, especially if you don't have a vitamix, or another super high-speed blender.

  12. Hi, is the 2 inches of ginger peeled?

  13. What is 2 inches of ginger? If they mean the root, how do you prepare it?

    1. 2 inches fresh ginger root. No preparation needed, just stick through the juicer.


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