Friday, 12 April 2013

Sweet Ginger Bliss Smoothie

This smoothie (also going to be featured in my new e-book coming out in late May) is so delightful. If you have ever had the experience of eating a ginger snap cookie, this smoothie tastes exactly like that. The best thing about this smoothie is that it is easy, and can be consumed at any time of the day (not just for dessert - but you can definitely make it a "dessert" if you please). When I discovered the combination of ginger and cinnamon, I was very delightfully surprised! Read on for the ingredients, and give it a try :)

If you want an amazing blender, I highly suggest you purchase a vitamix! It makes the smoothest, most creamiest smoothies, raw soups and sauces I have ever experienced! If you purchase a vitamix through Live Love Fruit, you will get FREE shipping and handling! Click HERE to purchase.

3 ripe, spotty bananas
4 medjool dates, pitted
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1/2 tbsp ginger juice (I normally just take the ginger and squeeze it in my garlic press to press out the juice. You could also chop it finely if you do not have a garlic press)
1 cup young thai coconut water

Blend & Serve!


  1. Love the name of this smoothie. Ingredients sound delicious, too - will have to try. Congrats on the new book coming out!

  2. mmm, i just made this, it was the only smoothie on here that i actually had all the ingrediants to and i was NOT disappointed!! :P me and Theo BOTH loved it! Jax too... which is the best part because he is quite picky nowadays!

    1. I'm so glad!! This is one of my favourites :)


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