Wednesday, 26 February 2014

3 Easy Juice Recipes

Perhaps you are new to juicing, or are short on time - whatever the reason, these juice recipes are fast and easy to prepare, and will kick-start your health to a whole new level. Each juice focuses on a different aspect of the body, so you can switch between them throughout the week, or even go on a 1-day juice cleanse and drink the beet juice first, followed by the green juice and then the warming carrot juice at night.

If you are feeling sluggish or tired, a one day juice fast can do the trick to help dramatically improve your health and get you back on track. Sometimes the body and the colon need a little down time to allow for the release of surface wastes and toxins. A short cleanse can help boost the immune system and encourage a "natural cellular intelligence" that knows exactly what to do to help you heal and feel your best!

Standard Green Juice (deep tissue regeneration & detox):
1 cucumber
1 bunch parsley or cilantro
4 stalks kale
4 stalks celery
4 large carrots
1 lemon

Blood Building Beet Juice (blood, lymph, liver):
3 large beets, peeled
4 inches ginger root
4 apples (preferably organic - they are the highest pesticide sprayed fruit out there)
1 lemon

Warming Carrot Zinger (eyes, circulation, digestion):6 large carrots
4 inches ginger root
1 tsp. cayenne powder
4 apples (preferably organic - they are the highest pesticide sprayed fruit out there)
1 lemon

Juice each juice individually, and enjoy throughout the day. I recommend the Omega 8006 or NC800 model as a way to fully extract all nutrients from the juices!

Sunday, 23 February 2014

Lymphatic System Cleanser: Pineapple Strawberry Blend

The lymphatic system is like a second circulatory system for the body - it helps aid in fluid recovery, immunity and lipid absorption. It is the body's internal drainage system which is designed to rid your blood of acidic and toxic waste. When the lymphatic system isn't functioning properly it can lead to issues such as fibromyalgia, MS, chronic fatigue syndrome, aches and pains, bloating and poor digestion, cellulite, fat deposits and obesity. 

Eating a proper diet rich in fruit and vegetables and adequate water are essential to ensuring your lymphatic system is clean and flowing free. Green leafy vegetables and herbs are an excellent way to enrich your system with chlorophyll because this molecule helps to purify your blood which in turn cleanses your lymph.

Citrus fruits also have wonderful astringent properties which help increase lymph flow and remove any blockages. As well, melons help keep the body alkaline (and the lymphatic system drains best in more alkaline environments), while berries are packed with antioxidants which keep our immune system strong and don’t make the lymph system work as hard to fight off disease and illness.

Drinking plenty of water is also dependent on how well your lymphatic system will flow. Because our lymph system requires a constant supply of fluid, drinking at least 3-4L of purified or filtered water daily will help to keep it functioning at its best! Exercise, massage, sauna's, and rebounding are also very important to aid in the health of the lymphatic system!

- 1 cup organic strawberries
- 2 cups ripe pineapple
- 1 cup freshly squeezed orange juice
- 1 cup leafy greens (romaine, spinach, kale, etc.)
- Optional: Steep 1 tbsp. nettle leaves in 1 cup of water and add this to the smoothie mix once cooled. Nettle is incredibly useful in helping cleanse our blood of toxins, helping to relieve some of the pressure on the lymphatic system to cleanse the blood all by itself.

Put all of the ingredients above in a blender (I recommend the Vitamix), and pulse blend for 30 seconds until well incorporated. Enjoy!

Saturday, 22 February 2014

Papaya Sunrise Smoothie

Super-charge your digestion with this Papaya Sunrise Smoothie! The enzymes in papaya (specifically, the enzyme papain) offer several health and digestive benefits, such as helping to dissolve proteins from food and speeding up certain chemical reactions within cells. It has also been found to reduce the chance of developing colon cancer and other digestive health issues. 

Why is digestion important? It plays a critical role in being able to properly absorb nutrients from food, determines what your energy levels will be like, and how effectively you will lose weight. If your digestion is impaired (for whatever reason), you may suffer from bloating, cramping, indigestion, fatigue, mood disorders and a variety of other issues.

If you consume things like wheat, eggs, dairy, or meat, you may feel consistently slowed down, because these foods sit in your digestive tract for incredibly long periods of time where deadly bacteria, fungus, mould and yeast multiply and thrive in their most optimal conditions. Since fruit and vegetables digest at a much faster rate (30 minutes to 1 hour – compared to several hours or even days for most meat), these bacteria, fungus, moulds and yeast simply cannot survive, because there is nowhere for them to live (food matter is eliminated before they even get a chance to multiply!).

This is one reason why most people who turn to a plant-based diet report higher energy levels and feel “light and bouncy” (as some might say it!). This is also a reason why most of the foods that help power and keep our digestive tract clean are those which are plant-based. 

- 1 small papaya, seeds removed**
- 1 ripe banana
- 2 cups chopped, ripe mango
- 1 cup young thai coconut water (or just regular water)
- 1 tsp. raw ground vanilla
- 2 inch piece ginger root

**Note: Dehydrate papaya seeds to make your own parasite-blasting "black pepper" which can be ground and used in replacement for black pepper

Thursday, 20 February 2014

Raw Vegan Neapolitan Ice Cream (100% fat-free!)

Who didn't love neapolitan ice cream as a child? I know it was one of my personal favourites, but little did I know the devastating effects it had on my body. Conventional ice cream, as we all know, is dairy, and dairy is highly mucus-causing. Mucus leads to a clogged digestive tract that shields our cilia from properly absorbing nutrients from food (and thus leading to a wide variety of vitamin and mineral deficiencies in the general population). Conventional ice cream is also loaded with chemical preservatives, synthetic flavouring agents, and refined sugars which lead to an ill and diseased state inside the body. 

Thankfully, we can still enjoy ice cream - except without the dairy-cream component. This raw, vegan gluten-free and dairy-free ice cream is still as creamy as it's dairy counterpart, and just as sweet. Did I mention it is also 100% guilt-free? I eat this stuff all the time, and am still waiting for the scale to rise. In fact, I can eat bowls and bowls at a time, and my weight has still managed to stay the same. THAT, my friends, is the power of raw fruits and vegetables for ya! ;)

- 3 frozen ripe spotty bananas
- 4 pitted medjool dates
- 1 tsp. fresh vanilla powder

Blend in a blender such as the Vitamix and set aside in a bowl in the freezer.

- 3 frozen ripe spotty bananas
- 4 pitted medjool dates
- 2 tbsp. raw carob powder

Blend in a blender and set aside in a bowl in the freezer.

- 3 frozen ripe spotty bananas
- 1 cup strawberries (or raspberries - or you can mix the two)
- 2 pitted medjool dates

Blend in a blender and set aside in a bowl in the freezer.

1. Get a long square container and on one side, layer the vanilla, followed next with the strawberry and then the chocolate (or however which way you want the flavours - similar to how you would see conventional neapolitan ice cream laid out in a container. Do not put the layers on top of each other, you want them side by side).
2. Place in the freezer and let sit for 1-2 hours.
3. Scoop out and enjoy!

Note: If you have a Juicer such as the Omega or the Champion Juicer, you can run each separate flavour through the juicer after blending (without the screening filter in place - use the plain black filter which doesn't have any strainer through it). Once you have each flavour "juiced" into soft-serve ice cream, then you can layer them, freeze it, then serve.

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Antioxidant Infusion Smoothie

Infuse your body with antioxidants by starting with this smoothie! A group of nutrients called polyphenols have been dubbed one of the most important group of nutrients in terms of their antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer health benefits. Several types of cancer, risk of heart disease and degenerative diseases of the nervous system (Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, etc.) can all be reduced by consuming a diet rich in polyphenols.

Blackberries contain a high concentration of polyphenols, and contain the highest level of antioxidants when compared to other berries like blueberries, raspberries and strawberries. This is mainly due to their dark blue hues, which is a sign that these berries pack some serious body-healing powers! This also goes for other dark-hued fruit and vegetables like cabbage, beets, dark red cherries and dark leafy greens. The darker the colour, the higher the nutritional punch!

- 2 cups organic blackberries
- 1 cup papaya
- 1 cup young thai coconut water
- 1/2 tsp. vanilla powder

Blend the above ingredients in a blender such as the Vitamix, and serve!

Thursday, 13 February 2014

3 Liver Cleansing Juice Tonics

The liver is incredibly important. It helps process nutrients in our food, makes bile, removes toxic substances from the body and is involved in the building of proteins. A liver that doesn't function properly means that nutrients are no longer effectively processed and we become vitamin and mineral deficient. In addition, a malfunctioning liver cannot pull out toxins from the blood, and instead, these toxins get re-absorbed into our cells, accumulating and creating problems that manifest in forms of different illnesses and disease. 

Taking care of our liver is incredibly important! Avoiding alcohol, refined sugar & processed foods, and fatty foods is your first step to healing the liver. Getting rid of the root of the problem, and repairing the liver with natural foods is a recipe for liver-repairing success! Start with these three liver cleansing juices to get your liver functioning properly again!

Here are 16 reasons why you should cleanse the liver!

- Lose weight
- Eliminate liver stones
- Detox the body
- Increase your energy
- Look and feel 5 years younger
- Less mood swings
- Reduction in anxiety
- Less bloating and gas
- Eliminate headaches
- Improve mental clarity & acuity
- Get rid of age spots on the skin
- Reduce bruising
- Improve digestion
- Less abdominal pain & swelling
- Improvement in stool quality
- Clears up fatty liver disease

Beet Bliss Tonic:
- 4 large beets
- 3 apples
- 3 inch piece ginger root
- 4 stalks celery
- 1 lemon

Cosy Carrot Tonic:
- 6 large carrots
- 1 bulb fennel
- 2 apples
- 1/4 - 1/2 tsp. cayenne pepper
- 1 lemon

Alkalizing Earth Tonic: 
- 1 bunch cilantro (or parsley)
- 2 cups ripe pineapple
- 1 large cucumber
- add to this juice 1 cup young thai coconut water

For each recipe, use a juicer such as the Omega juicer which I whole-heartedly recommend! Enjoy!

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Alkaline Green Smoothie

This alkalizing green smoothie will help stabilize your blood levels from highly acidic to beautifully alkaline. Making a conscious effort to reduce the amount of acidic foods in your diet, and replacing them with healthful, vibrant alkaline fruit and vegetables is a great way to help lose weight and start feeling your optimal best!

Our body is designed to be alkaline – our blood has a pH of 7.365, which is slightly alkaline and it will do whatever it can to regulate our pH levels. The Standard American Diet, consumed by a large portion of the population, is the main culprit causing our body to be in a constant state of acidity. Consuming highly acidic foods like processed foods, soda, junk foods, meat, eggs, and dairy, strips our bones from crucial minerals in order to buffer the acidity and do its best to keep our body in an alkaline state. This leads to things like osteoporosis and other degenerative diseases. 

In fact, major illnesses that plague the majority of the planet are caused by a high-acid diet, leading to things like heart disease, stroke, cancer, skin disorders, auto-immune conditions, allergies – the list goes on. You might feel fine now but your body will eventually grow out of it’s optimal pH balance and you will become victim of some disease or illness.

What are some of the benefits of having a properly balanced body pH?
- Helps balance & stabilize blood pH levels
- Encourages more elastic, youthful looking skin
- Deeper, more relaxed and restful sleep
- Limitless physical energy
- Improved immune system
- Less colds, flus, and headaches
- Less aches and pains
- Reduced inflammation in the body
- Improved digestion
- Reduction of candida (yeast) overgrowth
- Won't support osteoporosis
- Increased mental power
- Improved focus & altertness
- Legal natural high 

- 1 large cucumber (about 7-8 inches)
- 4 large kale leaves (or you can use collards)
- 1 bunch parsley
- 3 inch piece of ginger
- Fruit of choice: 1 small pineapple and/or 3 green apples and/or 2 grapefruit, peeled (you can add all 3 or you can add one fruit of choice. If you decide to add all three, use 1/2 small pineapple, 1 apple and 1 grapefruit)
- 1 cup young thai coconut water
- 1 lemon, juiced

You can either juice these ingredients, or you can blend them (I recommend the Omega juicer for juicing, and the Vitamix for blending). Either one you choose will help perform the same job - getting your body into a healthful alkaline state. 

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Presto Sun-Dried Tomato Pesto

Super-charge your next dinner with this awesome sun-dried tomato pesto! It is nutrient dense, and loaded with tomatoes which offer a variety of health benefits such as:

- Boosting pro-collagen which helps keep your skin firm and youthful looking
- Lowering stroke percentage by as much as 60% due to antioxidant load
- Help lower the risk of major cardiovascular events by 30%
- Boost bone health by lowering the risk of osteoporosis
- Protect against 9 different types of cancer due to lycopene content
- Help trim the risk for developing Parkinson's disease
- Promote healthier sleep

3 - 4 medium zucchini (1 lb / 460 g)
3 - 4 roma tomatoes (1 lb / 460 g)
Sun-dried tomatoes (presoaked) (1⁄2 cup / 120 g)
Hulled hemp hearts (2 – 4 Tbsp / 30 – 60 g)
Large handfuls of basil, arugula & spinach 

Spiralize or shred zucchini into thin noodles, dice 1⁄4 to 1⁄2 the tomatoes, 1/3 - 1⁄2 sun dried tomatoes and toss with noodles. Blend remaining tomato and slowly add all the greens sun dried tomatoes and nuts blending just enough at slow speed for thicker chunkier pesto, or at faster speeds for smooth sauce. I prefer slower speeds leaving it chunky, you may need to take some time and use a few stalks of celery or the tamper to get thick sauce thick and chunky, dice remaining celery and add to noodles. One of my all time favourites!! (400 – 550 cal.) 

A Sweet n Savory Raw Meal Brought to you by Chris Kendall RHN of Chris is a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, Raw / Transitional Lifestyle Coach often sought out to Present, Teach Yoga and act as Head Chef at Premier festivals and retreats around the globe. Fueled by the Bliss brought by a holistic raw food lifestyle Chris Offers all of his Services by Donation, grab his free Raw Recipes App and learn more at!

Monday, 10 February 2014

Natural Headache Relief

Headaches are one of the most common medical complaints. Over 45 million Americans (1 in 6) suffer chronic headaches each year! Most people take Tylenol when they experience a headache, but Tylenol (acetaminophen) is incredibly hazardous to the body. This pill is very hard on the liver as it depletes our glutathione stores (an important antioxidant and detoxifying aid), and can destroy the lining of our stomach if taken routinely every day. 

Not many people know that you can naturally get rid of a headache simply by drinking water. In fact, drinking just 7 cups of water a day is enough to ease pain and improve quality of life in people who suffer from chronic headaches, according to scientists. So why not infuse this water with some extra herbal and fruity additions that will help even more? Mint is a known natural headache reliever (relaxes local blood vessels to relieve pain), and ginger is a wonderful anti-inflammatory that reduces the pain associated with headaches (remember that our brains cannot sense pain - a headache is a result of the nerves around the head, or can stem from your shoulders/neck). 

- 3 organic lemons, thinly sliced
- 3 organic limes, thinly sliced
- 1/2 cup organic mint leaves
- 2 inches ginger root
- 1 organic cucumber, thinly sliced
- 1 litre spring or filtered water (reverse osmosis is the next best to spring water)

Put all of the ingredients into the water and let sit overnight. Drink this whenever you feel a headache coming on. This will make 4 servings (1 cup each). 

Saturday, 8 February 2014

Juice To Ease Arthritis Pain

Suffer from inflammatory pain resulting in conditions such as arthritis or gout? This juice will help alleviate those symptoms! Drink it twice daily for 30 days and notice significant improvement in your inflammatory pain! 

There are a variety of inflammatory-related conditions, ranging from arthritis to inflammatory bowel disease and sinusitis as well as inflammatory skin conditions like eczema, acne, rosacea, dermatitis and psoriasis. The list doesn’t end there. In fact, many diseases nowadays are caused by a major influx of inflammation in the cells and tissues, whether that be from consuming the wrong foods or living in less-than-optimal environmental conditions (i.e., chemical hazards, smog, pollution, etc.).

Why does this juice work?

Turmeric: The potency of turmeric’s anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic effects have been equated with that of the popular pharmaceutical anti-inflammatory drugs like Motrin and hydrocortisone (but without the nasty side effects and toxicity of these isolated drugs). A daily dosage of curcumin was found to be more effective in easing post-surgical inflammation as the regular anti-inflammatory prescriptions. Curcumin has the ability to inhibit the activity of enzymes COX-2 and lipoxygenase, which contributes to turmerics amazing anti-inflammatory properties.

Pineapple: The major mechanism of action of the bromelain enzyme in pineapple (which is highly anti-inflammatory) is proteolytic in nature, and may also involve immunomodulatory and hormone like activity, which acts via intracellular signalling pathways. It has also been shown that bromelain significantly reduces CD4+T lymphocytes, which are the "bad guys" that make us feel the pain associated with inflammationResearch also indicates that the pain and discomfort associated with arthritis can be reduced by supplementing with 200 – 400 mg of bromelain per day (or you could just eat lots of pineapple every day and get the same effects – remember, the natural, real form of these enzymes are far better than their modified, synthetic form).

- 1 small pineapple, outsides removed (keep the core - more bromelain and it can be juiced!)
- 4 inches turmeric root (or 2 tbsp. turmeric powder)
- 4 large carrots
- 6 celery stalks
- 2 lemons, peeled if not organic

Juice the above ingredients into a juicer such as the Omega 8006, and enjoy!

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Real, Raw, Pink Lemonade

Why drink lemonade that has artificial food colourings, synthetic dyes and chemical additives? Instead, opt for this REAL & RAW Pink Lemonade! It has a variety of benefits such as combating mucus (phlegm) in the lungs, reduces our sugar cravings, helps pump out a stagnant lymphatic system, reduces water retention (edema), helps to flush out toxic waste matter and improves energy levels (combats fatigue)! It takes seconds to make, and can be used as a morning flush, mid-day pick-me-up or after-workout cooler!

- 1 cup raspberries
- 3 lemons, juiced
- 1 cup coconut water
- 1/2 cup pitted medjool dates

1. Put all of the above ingredients into a high-speed blender like the Vitamix, and blend on HIGH
2. Strain the liquid into a cup and this will be your "pink lemonade concentrate"
3. Keep the concentrate in the fridge for up to a week, and dilute 50/50 with water, or young thai coconut water! Enjoy!