Friday, 31 May 2013

The BEST Fresh Almond Milk Recipe That Takes Only 5 Minutes To Make!

Almond milk is an excellent alternative to any kind of milk product! It is also much healthier. Making your own raw almond milk is easy, and requires only 3 ingredients (and only 2 if you want just plain almond milk!)

If you want an amazing blender, I highly suggest you purchase a vitamix! It makes the smoothest, most creamiest smoothies, raw soups and sauces I have ever experienced! If you purchase a vitamix through Live Love Fruit, you will get FREE shipping and handling! Click HERE to purchase.

- 1 cup fresh (un-roasted, raw) almonds
- water for soaking almonds
- 3 cups water
- 1/2 tsp. fresh vanilla bean (optional - this will make it have a hint of vanilla flavouring)
- 2 dates, (optional - this will make your almond milk taste slightly sweet, which most conventional almond milks taste like)

1. Soak almonds overnight for at least 6 hours
2. Drain water from almonds and discard
3. Stick almonds, 3 cups water, vanilla, and dates into high speed blender (recommend to use the vitamix or blendtec), and blend until smooth
4. Strain blended almond milk using a cheesecloth, nut milk bag, or other strainer
5. Fresh almond milk will keep for 4-5 days in the fridge

Warm Dark Chocolate Elixir

Relax with a warm cup of this dark chocolate elixir and nourish your body and spirit with each delicious sip! It reminds me a lot of the super-rich upscale hot chocolates, except this one is made with 100% raw, nutrient-dense ingredients that will super-charge your body with immune boosting antioxidants. 

Carob powder is a great substitute for cacao, and makes this drink a wonderful before bed drink because carob contains no caffeine (unlike cacao). The nutrition and health benefits of eating carob are as follows:

- Carob tannins contain gallic acid which is an analgesic, anti-allergenic, anti-bacterial, antioxidant, anti-viral and anti-septic
- Improves digestion and lowers cholesterol levels in the blood
- Treats diarrhea in adults and children
- Benefits people with high blood pressure (since it contains 0 caffeine)
- Regular use can help prevent lung cancer
- Contains high vitamin E content, helping to treat bouts of coughing, the flu, anemia and osteoclasis
- Gallic acid in carob helps prevent and treat polio in children
- Rich in phosphorous and calcium which helps fight against osteoporosis
- Clears the voice and throat when carob pod husks are chewed on (great for singers)

This is definitely a healthy spin on a decadent classic. Enjoy it when the weather gets a little chilly (like in the evening or early morning), or whenever you get intense chocolate cravings!

- 1 1/2 cups warm water (not too hot - only warmed - enough that you can stick your finger comfortably in the water)
- 1/4 cup carob powder
- 1 tsp. maca powder
- 1 large medjool dates or 2 smaller medjool's (de-pitted) soaked in a little water to get them soft
- pinch ginger
- pinch vanilla
- pinch cinnamon

Take the above ingredients and put into any kind of blender (the mini blenders work great here - the ones you can use to make instant salad dressings) - blend for 10 seconds and enjoy!

Thursday, 30 May 2013

Electric Enzyme Juice

This juice is incredibly rich in electrolytes and minerals. It will leave your body surging with happy electric impulses that will leave you feeling energized, clear-headed, and ready to take on the day! Enzymes are the sparks that start the essential chemical reactions our bodies need to live. They are necessary for digesting foods, for stimulating the brain, for providing cellular energy, and for repairing tissues, organs and cells.

One main role of enzymes in the body is detoxification - breaking down toxic substances so that they are excreted and cannot build up to possibly cause harm. Enzymes found in the fresh (RAW) foods that we eat have been found to help our bodies to do this! 

This juice is not only rich in electrolytes and minerals, but also these essential enzymes needed for every day bodily processes. The enzymes and amino acids found in wheat grass help to restore alkalinity in the blood and are powerful detoxifiers and blood and liver protectors. It also fights tumours and neutralizes toxins. 

Need a juicer? Want a juicer that extracts all the nutrients without heating to high temperatures and thus preserves phytonutrients and energy life force? I swear by the Omega 8005 juicer! If you order the Omega through Live Love Fruit, you will get FREE shipping! Click HERE to order.

- 1 cup young thai coconut water
- 1 cucumber
- 1-2 oz. fresh wheat grass juice
- 4 stalks celery
- 2 apples (of any kind)
- 2 limes

Put all ingredients in the juicer (except the wheat grass and coconut water which you can add in the end), and enjoy!

Wednesday, 29 May 2013

Strawberry Almond Milkshake

This strawberry "milk"shake is sweetly satisfying and can be enjoyed any time of the day! It is made without chemicals or dyes that most fast food places use in their milkshakes. It is also raw, and vegan, and tastes incredibly sweet, smooth and creamy. Not only that, but the strawberries and almond milk provide immune boosting anti-oxidants, and provide cardiovascular support. The banana helps give you sustained energy for the day, or if you choose to eat this later at night, the banana will calm your nerves and ease you into a peaceful bedtime slumber.

If you want an amazing blender, I highly suggest you purchase a vitamix! It makes the smoothest, most creamiest smoothies, raw soups and sauces I have ever experienced! If you purchase a vitamix through Live Love Fruit, you will get FREE shipping and handling! Click HERE to purchase.

- 1 cup almond milk (you can make this yourself, I will be posting a recipe shortly - otherwise you can use store bought almond milk - but making your own raw almond milk is always best!)
- 1 cup organic strawberries
- 1 very ripe banana
- 1 tsp. fresh vanilla bean

Blend & Serve!

Tuesday, 28 May 2013

10 Herbs & Spices For Smoothies

Here is a list of 10 herbs and spices you can add to your future smoothie mixes!

1. Rosemary
Not many people know that rosemary contains carnosic acid and carnosol which are great anti-inflammatory compounds. These two compounds inhibit COX-2, an enzyme that causes pain and inflammation in the body. Nitric oxide was also inhibited by rosemary extract, which also plays an inflammatory role in the body. Rosemary also elevates mood, helps with migraines and prevents cancer. Adding a bit of rosemary in your smoothies or juices (1-2 tsp) is a wonderful way to reap these benefits. 

2. Cayenne pepper
Cayenne pepper helps to ease upset stomachs, ulcers, sore throats, coughs, and diarrhea. It also helps to break up and move congested mucus. Cayenne is also an anti-fungal and anti-allergen and aids the digestive tract by stimulating it and increasing the flow and production of enzymes and gastric juices. This helps the body metabolize food and toxins! Don't add too much cayenne to your smoothies in the beginning - adding 1/8 to 1/4 tsp. at a time is more than enough (depending on the degree of hotness you purchase it)

3. Turmeric
Turmeric helps support your immune system, digestive system, bones and joints, as well as cardiovascular system. It is an all around power root that is known for its ability to reduce inflammation in the body! It can help prevent and slow the growth of cancer. It is a natural liver detoxifier and may prevent and slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease by removing amyloid plaque buildup in the brain. It is also a natural painkiller, may aid in fat metabolism and help in weight management and speeds up wound healing and assists in remodelling of damaged skin! Add a couple teaspoons to your next smoothie (or juice it fresh), to start seeing changes in your health!

4. Mint
Mint is a great appetizer and promotes digestion - it also soothes the stomach in cases of indigestion and inflammation. The strong aroma of mint is very effective in clearing congestive issues of the nose, throat, bronchi, and lungs, which helps give relief from asthma and colds. It also makes the breath smell wonderful (it is a powerful germicidal) by inhibiting harmful bacterial growth inside the mouth and by cleaning the tongue and teeth. Certain enzymes in mint may also help prevent cancer. I love adding mint to my smoothies. I usually add 3-4 leaves for each smoothie I make. 

5. Cilantro
Cilantro is known for its heavy metal detoxification benefits. It has been found to remove heavy metals from the body by binding to the toxic metals and loosening them from the tissues. Not only that, but cilantro helps prevent cardiovascular damage, has powerful anti-diabetic and blood-sugar lowering activity, is a powerful anti-anxiety herb and is a natural internal deodorant. This herb can be added to smoothies in large quantities. Make a banana, mango, cilantro smoothie to help ease the stronger taste of cilantro with the satisfyingly sweet taste of banana and mango!

6. Cinnamon
Cinnamon is a great addition to any smoothie. Numerous studies have shown that cinnamon regulates blood sugar and so it is a wonderful choice for those suffering from diabetes or hypoglycemia. Cinnamon reduces LDL cholesterol too, and has natural anti-infectious compounds that have been shown to be effective against ulcer-causing H. pylori bacteria. Cinnamon has also been shown to reduce pain linked to arthritis and may reduce the proliferation of cancer cells. Adding 1-2 tsp. of cinnamon to your daily smoothie routine is a great way to start healing your body naturally!

7. Ginger
Ginger is great at stimulating the digestive juices and increasing appetite as well as improving the absorption and assimilation of essential nutrients in the body. Ginger maintains normal blood circulation (due to its high levels of chromium, magnesium and zinc) which can help to improve blood flow as well as prevent chills, fever and excessive sweating. It is great for reducing the symptoms associated with motion sickness and is wonderful at preventing the cold and flu (it has great anti-inflammatory properties). Shave in an inch or two of ginger into your smoothie (combining it with cinnamon makes your smoothie taste like a ginger snap cookie), or juice it whole in your juices. 

8. Cloves
Cloves are very high in vitamins, minerals and fiber. It is loaded with antioxidants that protect against free radicals and oxidative damage. Cloves are also wonderful for those dealing with lots of gas and bloating. It reduces gas pressure in the stomach and aids in the proper elimination of food and toxins. Cloves help to encourage healthy gums and teeth and is a traditional remedy for relieving pain associated with toothaches, sore gums and oral ulcers. This spice is also resistant to inflammation and may provide protection against brain diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease which are mostly cause by chronic inflammation. For smoothies, add 1-2 tsp of clove powder or fresh cloves. 

9. Vanilla
A number one benefit of vanilla is its ability to reduce nausea. The mere scent of vanilla has also been shown to assist people in losing weight. If you deal with high anxiety or stress, vanilla may be of great help (again, the scent of vanilla is very calming and relaxing, and thus helps individuals dealing with stress). Historically, vanilla was used to help heal wounds, and is used to this day to help in the clearing and cleansing of minor wounds. Vanilla is a great addition to any smoothie - I would recommend using 1-2 tsp of fresh vanilla bean or raw vanilla bean powder in your smoothie mixes. 

10. Nutmeg
Nutmeg aids in sleep and helps keep the immune system strong. It can also be used to make your skin look clearer and brighter within just a few days and can help reduce scarring and alleviate bad acne. Nutmeg has also been used for centuries for relieving digestive problems and aiding in proper dental care. Not only that, but nutmeg contains a natural organic compounds called myristicin, which is known to shield your brain against degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's. For smoothies, add in 1-2 tsp. fresh nutmeg powder.

If you want an amazing blender, I highly suggest you purchase a vitamix! It makes the smoothest, most creamiest smoothies, raw soups and sauces I have ever experienced! If you purchase a vitamix through Live Love Fruit, you will get FREE shipping and handling! Click HERE to purchase.

Vegan Sushi

I LOVE vegetable nori wraps more than anything. Seaweed is very enriched with vitamins and minerals and horseradish is a great way to enlighten and clear up the senses. I buy an organic wasabi that contains real wasabi root, horseradish and mustard seed. 

This recipe contains some of my favourite vegetables that I often add to my wraps. I either eat the rolls as is, or I will cut them to look like sushi. It is totally up to you! I love experimenting, the sky is the limit! You can use any vegetable combination you please :)

- raw nori sheets
- avocado
- carrots
- red pepper
- sprouts (I used sunflower sprouts)
- cucumber
- enoki mushrooms 
- spinach
- zucchini

Cut all the above vegetables into matchsticks and layer on a slightly moist nori sheet. Roll up the nori sheet, and cut into bite-size sushi pieces. Enjoy!

Monday, 27 May 2013

Mango Passion Fruit Sunrise Smoothie

This smoothie is an excellent addition to your daily routine. The mango and passion fruit are both incredibly high in vitamin's A and C, which help the body develop resistance to flu-like viruses and pro-inflammatory free radicals. The vitamin A is essential for good eye-sight and maintaining healthy mucous membranes and skin. Mango and passion fruit also contain carotenes which help protect against lung and oral cavity cancers. 

The anti-oxidants in passion fruit are also help in treating and preventing asthma, wheezing cough and other kinds of allergic ailments. The high levels of fiber, pectin and vitamin C in mango and passion fruit help to lower serum cholesterol levels, specifically LDL cholesterol (the "bad" cholesterol). In addition, this smoothie helps to alkalize your body - you can thank the tartaric acid, maleic acid and citric acid found in mango, passion fruit and orange, which helps maintain the alkali reserve of the body. 

If you want an amazing blender, I highly suggest you purchase a vitamix! It makes the smoothest, most creamiest smoothies, raw soups and sauces I have ever experienced! If you purchase a vitamix through Live Love Fruit, you will get FREE shipping and handling! Click HERE to purchase.

- 1 cup mango
- 1/2 cup passion fruit innards (the inside of the passion fruit should scoop out - include the seeds!)
- 1 cup freshly squeezed orange juice
- Water and flesh from 1 young thai coconut
- 1 tsp. fresh vanilla bean (or 1 tsp. fresh raw vanilla powder)

Blend in a high speed blender and serve! You can enjoy this any time of the day!

Sunday, 26 May 2013

Invigorating Kiwi Smoothie

This smoothie is packed with vitamin C and other feel-good vitamins and minerals. Kiwi is a wonderful fruit to include into your diet! It has fascinated researchers for its ability to protect DNA from oxygen-related damage. The vitamin C content in kiwi has the ability to reduce inflammation, making it a great fruit for individuals suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, asthma, and helps prevent against colon cancer, atherosclerosis, age-related macular degeneration and heart disease. 

The light green pigment in honeydew is due to the carotenoid called zeaxanthin. This is an incredibly powerful antioxidant that can protect your vision by accumulating in the macular area of the eye and absorbing harmful blue light. Eating foods high in carotenoids like honeydew (and kiwi) protects the eyes from age-related macular degeneration. 

Although honeydew and kiwi may stand against the fruit-combining rules, I find that this combination works well in my tummy, so you may just have to experiment for yourself! This smoothie is amazing, though, and I suggest you ALL try it out!

If you want an amazing blender, I highly suggest you purchase a vitamix! It makes the smoothest, most creamiest smoothies, raw soups and sauces I have ever experienced! If you purchase a vitamix through Live Love Fruit, you will get FREE shipping and handling! Click HERE to purchase.

- 5 kiwi (leave the peel on if it is organic, and if you have a high speed blender like the vitamix)
- 1 cup honeydew melon
- Juice of 1 lime
- 3-4 sprigs of mint leaves

Put the above ingredients in a blender, and pulse-blend to minimize oxidation. Enjoy!

Saturday, 25 May 2013

Refreshing Cucumber Lime Cooler

This drink is an excellent way to cool off during summer. It is loaded with electrolytes and cell-replenishing, hydrating nutrients. Cucumbers are a great way to get in B vitamins which provide a quick pick-me-up during the day. They are also 95% water which helps flush out toxins and keeps the body well hydrated. Cucumbers also contain lariciresinol, pinoresinol, and secoisolariciresinol. These three lignans have been linked with a reduced risk of several cancer types, including breast cancer, ovarian cancer, uterine cancer and prostate cancer.

Coconut water and limes replenish crucial electrolytes lost during the day (mostly during sweating and moving around), and mint helps ease the digestive tract to reduce bloating and getting rid of stomach aches. Mint also clears up skin disorders like acne, and is a great cleanser of the blood and for getting rid of bad breath. 

Need a juicer? Want a juicer that extracts all the nutrients without heating to high temperatures and thus preserves phytonutrients and energy life force? I swear by the Omega 8005 juicer! If you order the Omega through Live Love Fruit, you will get FREE shipping! Click HERE to order.

- 2 cucumbers
- 4-5 mint leaves
- 1 lime
- 1 cup fresh young thai coconut water

Juice the cucumber, lime and mint leaves in a juicer (I use the omega 8006 juicer). To this, open one young thai coconut and add the water of one coconut, or 1 cup of the coconut water. Enjoy!

Friday, 24 May 2013

Green Juice For Weight Loss, Energy, Pain Relief and Blood Sugar

It is spring and soon to come summer, so now is the time to lighten things up and clean out old fall and winter eating patterns that might have packed us on a few pounds. Now that the weather is warming up it is time to cleanse, hydrate and re-mineralize your body!

Deodorizing the body with herbs is a great way to allow chlorophyll from the herbs to infuse themselves in the cells in your body and to help neutralize any body odours and bacteria. Bacteria and viruses do not like chlorophyll because it carries oxygen with it as it passes through the GI tract. It is also important to recognize that eating your greens and root vegetables and fruit to get adequate fiber in your diet will help flush out these parasites and toxins. 

This juice contains not only herbs, but LOTS of celery and cucumber which are water and mineral dense. High mineral and vitamin rich foods are a great way to provide your body with the nutrients it requires and thus reduces cravings for highly processed junk foods (and thus natural weight reduction). Cucumber acts as a natural diuretic too, so this helps you urinate more often and reduce any bloating and water retention you may be carrying around. 

Jerusalem artichokes are another great root to add into your diet! They are wonderful for those dealing with blood sugar issues and diabetes because they store inulin instead of starch which helps reduce blood lipid and glucose levels when consumed. They also act as a wonderful pre-biotic and prevents intestinal diseases and constipation. 

Need a juicer? Want a juicer that extracts all the nutrients without heating to high temperatures and thus preserves phytonutrients and energy life force? I swear by the Omega 8005 juicer! If you order the Omega through Live Love Fruit, you will get FREE shipping! Click HERE to order.

- 1 bundle celery
- 1 cucumber
- 1 bundle cilantro
- 1 bundle dill
- 1 bundle spinach (excellent protein source here!)
- 4 jerusalem artichokes
- 2 lemons

Juice in a juicer (I use the omega 8006 juicer), and enjoy the alkalizing effects to help remove excess weight, pain and stiffness, help regulate your blood sugar and naturally increase energy levels!

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Juice For Energy & Mental Clarity

Using a wide variety of mineral dense fruit and vegetables is the secret to making juices that provide you with lasting energy. Beet juice is a wonderful blood purifier and blood builder which helps in the creation of red blood cells. Beet juice improves blood structure and cures diseases that attack the circulatory system and digestive system, and can help dissolve stones in the kidneys, liver and bladder. 

Apples contain polyphenols which have been shown to reduce the absorption of glucose from the digestive tract; to stimulate beta cells of the pancreas to secrete insulin and to increase the uptake of glucose from the blood via insulin receptor stimulation. These all help with blood sugar regulation and thus leave you with healthy, long-lasting energy levels. Ginger is a great way to increase stimulation to the circulatory system and improves mental clarity!

Greens and herbs are a wonderful way to help increase your energy levels throughout the day! They are a great source of iron, which is an important nutrient to ensure that energy levels stay high. Greens also contain vitamin C, so this is a win-win situation because the iron in the greens is more readily absorbed into the bloodstream via the vitamin C. Vitamin C also offers a healthy dose of antioxidants that will help you to stay strong, healthy, and leave you feeling light and energized. 

Need a juicer? Want a juicer that extracts all the nutrients without heating to high temperatures and thus preserves phytonutrients and energy life force? I swear by the Omega 8005 juicer! If you order the Omega through Live Love Fruit, you will get FREE shipping! Click HERE to order.

- 3 apples
- 3 beets
- 1 bunch parsley
- 1 head green leafy lettuce (can be romaine, green leafy, red tipped leafy)
- 1 bunch cilantro
- 4 stalks celery
- 1 cucumber
- 3 inches ginger

Juice the above ingredients, mix & enjoy!

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Stress Reduction Smoothie

Don't let stress hijack your life! Stress wreaks havoc on the mind and body! Psychological stress has been linked with greater risk for developing depression, heart disease and infectious diseases. "When under stress, cells of the immune system are unable to respond to hormonal control, and consequently, produce levels of inflammation that promote disease. Inflammation plays a role in many diseases such as cardiovascular, asthma and autoimmune disorders," says Sheldon Cohen, professor of psychology. 

This juice helps combat the effects of stress by helping to calm the nerves of the nervous system. Bananas contain vitamin B6 which is required to manufacture serotonin. Serotonin helps make us feel happy and at ease, and thus reduces our immediate responses to stressors in the environment and allows us to respond more rationally. Spinach contains magnesium, which is a mineral with relaxing and calming effects. 

Vanilla bean and ginger are also great at reducing stress. Vanilla beans are soothing, calming and relaxing. The very smell of vanilla triggers feel-good emotions in the body. Ginger helps to uplift your mood and can banish negative feelings. The main component in ginger, gingerol, helps cleanse harmful chemicals produced by the body when become worried, and so it aids in relieving psychological stress as well. 

Chamomile is another great stress reliever. It has a gentle calming sedative effect on the central nervous system and has been used for centuries to ease stress, reduce headaches, insomnia and irritable bowel syndrome. Why not start your day off right and whip up this smoothie in the morning? See the amazing effect it will have on your overall mood, and repeat every day :)

If you want an amazing blender, I highly suggest you purchase a vitamix! It makes the smoothest, most creamiest smoothies, raw soups and sauces I have ever experienced! If you purchase a vitamix through Live Love Fruit, you will get FREE shipping and handling! Click HERE to purchase.

- 2 bananas
- 1 cup spinach
- 2 tsp. fresh vanilla bean (or raw vanilla bean powder, or the extract - get without alcohol and other added chemicals)
- 1 inch ginger (shredded finely or pressed in garlic press)
- 2 cups chamomile tea (brew 3 tbsp. chamomile flowers in 2 cups warm (not boiling) water, and let stand for 5-10 minutes. Strain out flowers and use the water to add to smoothie)

Blend the above ingredients in blender and serve! This is great in the morning (to help prepare your nerves for the day) or afternoon when you want to wind down (such as after work). Enjoy!

Tuesday, 21 May 2013

Anti-inflammatory Juice: Turmeric Tonic

This juice does amazing things to support your health, and to kick inflammation's ass! It tastes amazing and heals you at the same time! I would suggest drinking this juice once or twice a day (depending on how severe your inflammation condition), and to continue doing so, every day. 

Turmeric is one of the most potent natural anti-inflammatories available! It offers natural support to the body when dealing with arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, cystic fibrosis, and other inflammatory-related diseases. It has also been shown to be highly anti-cancerous, inhibiting cancer cell growth and metastasis! 

Ginger is another powerful anti-inflammatory and helps fire up the digestive juices and absorbs and assimilates essential nutrients brought into the body. Neurodegenerative diseases may be aided by ginger's ability to inhibit nitrous oxide production and pro-inflammatory cytokines. Its anti-inflammatory ability is thus helpful in arthritis and cancer prevention, soothing the pain associated with prostate disease and healing other general inflammatory processes. 

Cayenne contains capsaicin, which is a potent inhibitor of substance P, a neuropeptide associated with inflammatory processes. Capsaicin is being studied as an effective treatment for sensory nerve fiber disorders, including pain associated with arthritis, psoriasis, and diabetic neuropathy. 

Holy basil has been cultivated for medicinal use for the last 5,000 years! Holy basil contains compounds similar to those found in cannabis and oregano. This has led some doctors to suggest that holy basil is an excellent alternative to medical marijuana since it offers the same pain relief without the addictive "high". Holy basil's anti-inflammatory action comes from a compound called BCP which combats inflammation in a manner similar to cannabis (but without the side effects). Holy basil's aromatic extracts have also been proven to eliminate swelling and pain from arthritis, and research has demonstrated that Holy Basil works just as well as anti-inflammatory drugs!

See below for the full recipe for this powerful anti-inflammatory juice!

Need a juicer? Want a juicer that extracts all the nutrients without heating to high temperatures and thus preserves phytonutrients and energy life force? I swear by the Omega 8005 juicer! If you order the Omega through Live Love Fruit, you will get FREE shipping! Click HERE to order.

- 1 large piece turmeric (4-5 inches or more)
- 1 large piece ginger (2-3 inches)
- 5 carrots
- 2 lemons
- 1 orange
- 1 cucumber
- 1/4 tsp. cayenne pepper powder
- 1 tbsp. holy basil (fresh or powder - if using fresh, use 2 tbsp.)

Juice the turmeric, ginger, carrots, lemons, orange, and cucumber. To the juice, add the cayenne powder and holy basil powder. If using fresh holy basil and fresh cayenne pepper, juice these too. Enjoy!

Monday, 20 May 2013

Mango Avocado Salsa

This salsa is great for the summer months ahead! It is light, refreshing, and can be enjoyed for lunch or dinner. The benefits of the ingredients used will provide you with immune-boosting support and lasting energy. Did you know that mango is more effective in reducing body fat and blood glucose levels than certain drugs aimed at producing similar effects? It has also been found that avocado contains compounds that inhibit and destroy oral cancer cells! 

Tomatoes also help make your skin look great. The beta-carotene found in tomatoes (as well as carrots and sweet potatoes) helps protect the skin against sun damage, as well as the lycopene which makes the skin less sensitive to UV light damage (a leading cause of fine lines and wrinkles). Thus, this recipe is truly suited for the summer months!

It is interesting to note, too, that cilantro is great for removing heavy metals in the body, and garlic has the ability to enhance the body's immune cell activity. Dulse is also incredibly high in vitamins and minerals and helps heal poor digestive systems. In addition, it cleanses the body of heavy metals and increases metabolism to help aid in weight loss! See the recipe below to start reaping in these amazing benefits!

- 2 mango of any variety, chopped into small cubes
- 1 avocado, chopped into cubes
- 2 tomatoes, diced finely
- 1/2 cup cucumber, chopped into small cubes
- 1/4 red onion, diced finely
- 1/4 cup cilantro, chopped finely
- 1 clove garlic, crushed
- Juice of 1 lime
- 1-2 tbsp. dulse (this is a sea vegetable and can be found in health food stores or asian markets)

Add these ingredients into a large bowl. You may add some himalayan sea salt if you please (I do not consume salt, so I do not add this) and some cracked black pepper. Let this mixture sit for a little to let the flavours blend (you may let it sit in the fridge over the day, or on the counter for an hour or so). You can eat it as it, or you can use zucchini slices and other vegetables to use as "chips" to dip into the salsa.

Sunday, 19 May 2013

Immune System Healing Elixir

This juice recipe is to help boost your immune system! It is extremely useful, particularly to help in the removal of disease conditions and enhance your life at every single level and to stop and reverse the aging process.

There is a lot of sickness today because everyone eats way too much (especially too much of the wrong  foods), which creates a buildup of clogged up metabolic waste in the body. This leads to an incredibly compromised immune system. Over the last 50 years, we have gone down and down, with the processing of the foods and disease and illness getting more and more chronic. 

Raw living foods will physically help your body, keeping the blood vessels clear so that oxygen and nutrients and blood flow can be enhanced to every organ, gland, and tissue in your body. Fruit and vegetables help keep the body clear, energize cells and deliver nutrients without clogging up the microscopic capillaries in the body.

 Improving the nutrient density in your diet will give you an enhanced immune system leading to clearer skin, less nasal and respiratory issues, more energy, less susceptibility to disease and illness and an overall sense of wellbeing. As you remove obstructions from your diet and your life (physically, mentally and spiritually), you will slowly begin to reach your full potential. Raising up your internal energy stores, letting go of the old self and old thinking and old energy obstructions, and feeling energy and happiness and vitality will result in a strong healthy body! 

Need a juicer? Want a juicer that extracts all the nutrients without heating to high temperatures and thus preserves phytonutrients and energy life force? I swear by the Omega 8005 juicer! If you order the Omega through Live Love Fruit, you will get FREE shipping! Click HERE to order.

- 5 carrots (contain falcarinol which reduces your risk for cancer)
- 5 stalks of celery (hydrating, nourishing, B vitamins and cell salts)
- 1 cucumber (hydrating, help regulate the nervous system to calm your mind)
- 1 head romaine lettuce (packs in more vitamin C than an orange, and contains 44% of your RDA of Omega-3 fatty acids)
- 2 cloves garlic (contain allicin, ajoene and thiosulfinates which protect the body from infection)
- 2 lemons (great mucus dissolvers to allow for more efficient nutrient uptake)

Juice in a juicer (I use an omega juicer!), drink up, and feel the body heal! 

10 Vegetables You Can Add To Smoothies

Everyone loves a good smoothie, and trying to get your daily recommended amount of vegetables in your diet is sometimes a little hard. Adding vegetables into smoothies is an excellent way to increase your vegetable consumption. Enjoying a smoothie as a healthy snack is great, but by adding in a few extra vegetables can turn your smoothie into a nutritional powerhouse!

Consuming more vegetables helps lower your risk of heart disease, lowers your blood pressure, reduces risk of stroke, helps fight some forms of cancer and helps prevent eye disease and intestinal disorders. Experimenting with a variety of colourful fruit and vegetables in your smoothies every day will ensure you get a broad range of vitamins and minerals. 

Here is a list of vegetable suggestions you may try in your smoothie to add incredible flavour and bonus nutrients, too!

1. Spinach: phytonutrients in spinach pack an anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer punch. Spinach also provides over 200% of your RDA of vitamin K which is essential for bone health, and can help lower blood pressure by inhibiting an enzyme called angiotensin I-converting enzyme. Add 1 cup of spinach to your smoothies, and then work your way up from there! Spinach is a very bland green when added to smoothies, so you can barely taste it and still reap amazing benefits!

2. Ginger: ginger is aromatic, spicy and pungent. Ginger is very effective in relieving symptoms of gastrointestinal distress and has the ability to inhibit formation of inflammatory compounds (very strong anti-inflammatory properties). If you suffer from arthritis related problems, adding ginger to your smoothies will help alleviate some of the pain. The main active component in ginger called gingerols, has also been shown to inhibit the growth of human colorectal cancer cells! You may add as little or as much ginger to your smoothies as you please, and can either press it through a garlic press before adding, or finely dice it, or shred it into your smoothie before blending. 

 3. Avocado: I realize an avocado is a fruit, but it still fits in this section as a great produce item to add to your smoothie. Avocados are great for heart health due to their high vitamin E and K content as well as their high levels of potassium and magnesium. They have a wide range of anti-inflammatory compounds too, which is great for individuals with rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Avocados make your smoothies rich, creamy and savoury. Adding half an avocado to a green smoothie with spinach or kale, and some berries is a great way to get those healthy fats in your diet!

4. Carrots: carrots seem like an odd thing to add to smoothies, but it is definitely do-able and they add a nice sweet touch. They can be shredded very finely into your smoothie before blending (a high-speed blender such as a vitamix would work best here). The carotenoids in carrots are excellent for eye health and have anti-cancer and cardiovascular benefits. Women who ate carrots at least twice per week had significantly lower levels of glaucoma than women who consumed carrots less than once per week. The polyacetylenes in carrots also inhibit the growth of colon cancer cells!

5. Fennel: fennel tastes a little bit like liquorice, and adds very interesting and fun flavour to smoothies. It is packed with anti-oxidants and contains a special phytonutrient called anethole which has been repeatedly shown to reduce inflammation and help prevent the occurrence of cancer. Fennel bulb is also an excellent source of vitamin C which helps boost our immune systems and wards off any harmful bacteria and viruses. Add in about half a cup of finely shredded fennel to your smoothies. A great combination is fennel, pear, kale, cinnamon and coconut water!

6. Sea Vegetables (dulse, kelp, wakame etc.): Sea vegetables have many different anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, anti-coagulant, anti-thrombotic, and anti-viral properties. These properties are mainly attributed to compounds called sulfated polysaccharides found mainly in sea vegetables. They also have an incredible amount of vitamins and minerals not normally found in everyday vegetables. These include calcium, copper, iodine, iron, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, vanadium, and zinc. Adding in a couple shreds of sea vegetables to your smoothies is an excellent way to reap these benefits!

7. Kale: kale is one of the most nutrient dense green leafy vegetables out there! They are incredibly high in iron, vitamin C, protein, omega-3's, vitamin K, vitamin A, manganese, copper, calcium, potassium, and B vitamins. The broad spectrum of flavonoid anti-oxidants in kale is the key to kale's strong anti-cancer benefits and other health issues stemming from oxidative stress (which a lot of today's disease and illness comes from). The vitamin K content in kale is great for alleviating chronic inflammation and also provides cardiovascular support via its cholesterol-lowering abilities. Add in 1 cup of kale to your smoothies, increasing this amount over time!

8. Cucumber: cucumbers are a great addition to smoothies. You may add a whole cucumber to your smoothies if you please, combining it with ingredients such as bananas and coconut and a little bit of carob. Cucumbers are incredibly hydrating and the cucumber skins are rich in silica and vitamin E (excellent for skin health!). They contain vitamin C for immune support as well as manganese and beta-carotene. Researchers have found that several different signalling pathways needed for cancer cell growth are actually inhibited by the activity of cucurbitacins (compounds found in cucumbers). 

9. Zucchini: zucchini is high in manganese, antioxidants, vitamins C and A and is very high in fibre (especially if you leave the skin on). Zucchini is also an excellent source of B vitamins which help metabolize sugars in the body. Adding half a zucchini to your smoothies will give it an excellent nutrient boost without change in flavour of the smoothie (zucchinis are very bland!). 

10. Mushrooms (medicinal specifically like reishi, chaga or shiitake): medicinal mushrooms are an amazing addition to any smoothie. They are one of the few foods out there that contain vitamin D, and their anti-oxidant capacity helps boost the immune system, protect the heart, reduce risk of developing certain cancers and help awaken your pineal gland. You can get these mushrooms fresh, or in powder form. Adding in a couple mushrooms to your smoothies (or a couple teaspoons) will ensure your body reaps these incredible benefits!

If you want an amazing blender, I highly suggest you purchase a vitamix! It makes the smoothest, most creamiest smoothies, raw soups and sauces I have ever experienced! If you purchase a vitamix through Live Love Fruit, you will get FREE shipping and handling! Click HERE to purchase.

Saturday, 18 May 2013

Iron Boosting Smoothie

Many individuals are concerned that they will not get enough iron when they start to eat a plant based diet. The truth in the matter is that iron is prevalent in a wide variety of plant foods. In fact, an individual who properly consumes a plant-based diet gets just as much iron as individuals who do not eat plant-based!

Iron is a trace element which is needed by the body for the formation of blood. More than half of the iron found in our blood is in the form of hemoglobin (the red pigment in blood). Hemoglobin helps transport oxygen from the lungs to our tissues, and plays a role in activating enzymatic reactions and is necessary for collagen synthesis. It is also needed for regulation of cell growth and is required for good cognition and behaviour.

The ingredients in this smoothie work together in such a way that the higher-iron foods are readily absorbed by the foods that are higher in vitamin C. Vitamin C helps the body absorb non-heme iron into the blood stream more effectively. The spirulina, chia seeds and kale are iron heavy plant foods, whereas the bananas, goji berries, and kale (again) are rich in vitamin C (and thus synergistically work together!). The coconut water is another additional power food that helps replenish electrolytes and thus  leaves you feeling fresh and alert!

If you want an amazing blender, I highly suggest you purchase a vitamix! It makes the smoothest, most creamiest smoothies, raw soups and sauces I have ever experienced! If you purchase a vitamix through Live Love Fruit, you will get FREE shipping and handling! Click HERE to purchase.

- 2 ripe spotty bananas
- 2 cups kale or spinach
- 2 tsp. chia seeds (pre-soaked: to soak chia seeds, soak 1 tbsp. chia in 1 cup water for 10-15 mins)
- Water and flesh from 1 young thai coconut
- 1/4 cup soaked goji berries (it is optional to soak)
- 1 tsp. spirulina powder

Blend in a high speed blender and enjoy!

Friday, 17 May 2013

Strawberry Shortcake Smoothie!

Who can say no to strawberry shortcake? 

This smoothie is great in the sense that is tastes incredible and is also good for you! The strawberries pack a huge antioxidant punch to strengthen your immune system, and the dates help clear up any digestive issues you may suffer from. The coconut water replenishes crucial electrolytes we lose throughout the day, and the maca powder helps regulate hormones, reduces anxiety and stress and increases libido. The vanilla is also a potent antioxidant as well as helps calm and release any built up tension you may be experiencing. 

This smoothie is entirely plant-based and tastes very similar to strawberry shortcake! It is creamy and just sweet enough, with cakey overtones of vanilla and coconut!

If you want an amazing blender, I highly suggest you purchase a vitamix! It makes the smoothest, most creamiest smoothies, raw soups and sauces I have ever experienced! If you purchase a vitamix through Live Love Fruit, you will get FREE shipping and handling! Click HERE to purchase.

- 1 pint organic strawberries
- 5 medjool dates, pitted (or any other kind of date you have access to)
- 1 tsp. maca powder
- 1 vanilla bean pod (beans from inside), or 1 tsp. raw vanilla powder
- Water and flesh from 1 young thai coconut

Blend in a high-speed blender and enjoy!